Central States Shrine Association
"We're here for the Kids"

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The Association

Unit Associations

Member Shrine Chapters





Official Contact
Gene McKelvey
(India Shriners)
3601 NW 36th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112-6324
(405) 947-3311







Section 1. Name This association shall be known as the Central States Shrine Association.




Section 1. Membership Membership in this Association shall be composed of Temples located in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arkansas and Texas who shall so elect.


Section 2. Purpose The purpose of this Association shall be to promote the welfare of Shriners International, and the welfare of the Temples of this Association.




Section 1. Representatives Each Temple may elect * five representatives to this association; (Except as noted in Section 2C below) however, should any regularly elected representative not attend any meeting of this Association, then the Potentate of the effected Temple may appoint a substitute Temple representative by giving notice in writing to the Secretary of the Association at least one day in advance of the date of the registration for such meeting. * Each CSSA Unit Association may elect one representative to this association. * (Amended 3/2010)


Section 2. Officers

(a) Officers. The Representatives shall elect from their membership the following officers: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Third Vice-President, Forth Vice-President, Fifth Vice­President, Sixth Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same representative. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall serve until their successors are elected.

(b)* The Temple members of this Association shall have the exclusive right to nominate from among their member Nobles the Sixth Vice-President of the Central States Shrine Association at the Annual Meeting once every twenty-three (23) years upon the following schedule, which schedule shall be repeated with the Temples nominating in the same order beginning in the year 1999:

*(Amended 3/1991)

(c)** In that the Temple nominee for sixth Vice President must be a representative of the Association the year that he is proposed for election, the Temple is authorized to have (1) one additional Noble as representative of the association for the year.

**(Adopted 3/1999)


                                                                        6th VICE                       YEAR  

TEMPLE                     STATE                        PRESIDENT               PRESIDENT  

Abu Bekr                     Iowa                                2013                                         2019  

Abou Ben Adhem        Missouri                          2014                                         2020

Akdar                          Oklahoma                        2015                                        2021

Midian                         Kansas                            2016                                         2022

Moila                           Missouri                          2017                                         2023

Tangier                         Nebraska                         2018                                         2024

Arab                             Kansas                            2019                                         2025

Za-Ga-Zig                     Iowa                                2020                                         2026

Isis                                Kansas                            2021                                         2027

Kaaba                           Iowa                                2022                                         2028

Ararat                           Missouri                          2023                                         2029

India Shriners               Oklahoma                       2024                                         2030

Al Kaly                         Colorado                         2025                                         2031

Sesostris                        Nebraska                         2026                                         2032

Abdallah                       Kansas                             2027                                         2033

El Kahir                        Iowa                                2028                                         2034

Moolah                         Missouri                          2029                                         2035

Hella                             Texas                               2030                                         2036

Bedouin                        Oklahoma                        2031                                         2037  

El Jebel                         Colorado                         2032                                         2038  

Scimitar                        Arkansas                          2033                                         2039  

Tehama                         Nebraska                         2034                                         2040  

Mirza                            Kansas                             2035                                         2041  



(d) If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President or a Vice-President, the remaining officers of the association, with the advice of the Potentate of the Temple of such deceased, resigned or disabled officer, shall fill such vacancy from among the member Nobles of the affected Temple who are qualified to hold office under the By-Laws of this association, and such appointed Noble shall take the place in line formerly held by such deceased, resigned or disabled officer, until the next regular Business Session of the Association. Such appointed Noble shall have the same status as the deceased, resigned or disabled officer.

(e) If a vacancy shall occur in the office of the Secretary - Treasurer, the President of this Association shall forthwith appoint a Noble of this Association in the place and stead of said Secretary - Treasurer, and such replacement shall serve in that capacity as though he had been regularly elected until the next regular Business Session of the Association. Such appointee must be in good standing in his Temple which is affiliated with this Association.

Section 3. Each representative present at a meeting shall be entitled to vote.


Section 4. All Past Presidents of the Association shall be Ad Vitam members thereof, with full power and privileges.


Section 5. All members of the Imperial Divan and Past Imperial Potentates belonging to a member Temple of this Association shall be members thereof.


Section 6. All Officers of the Central States Shrine Association shall be Representatives at Large at all meetings with full power and privileges.


Section 7. Registration at any meeting of the Central States Shrine Association, or representatives from a majority of both the States and the Temples comprising said Association shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business that may come before such meeting.


Section 8. The Officers of this Association shall meet one or more times between the dates of the Ceremonial and Business Session.




Section 1. The annual meeting of this Association shall be a Business Session and the Association may hold a Ceremonial Session. The President of the Central States Shrine Association shall have the authority to make appointments and adopt and implement such policies and other decisions which he deems appropriate. The host Temple's Potentate and Divan shall assist and support the President with respect to the adoption and implementation of policies and other decisions.

(Amended 3/7/1997)


Section 2. The President shall call all meetings of the Association by giving the affiliated Temples at least ten (10) days written notice. Upon the written request of any ten (10) or more affiliated Temples of this Association, it shall be the duty of the President to call, within ten (10) days of receipt of such request, a special meeting of the Association to be held within thirty (30) days after receipt of written request.


Section 3. The Association's Business Session


(a) The Association's Business Session shall be held prior to * April 30th annually at which time the representative shall select the place of the next Annual Meeting and the next Ceremonial Session. The Association may approve the site and time for any meeting four (4) years in advance. *(Amended 3/1/2008)

(b) The President shall appoint a six member standing committee for the purpose of recommending the site of Annual Meeting and the Ceremonial Session; at each Annual Business meeting. Each member of the standing committee shall serve a term of three (3) years, at which time their replacement shall be appointed to serve three (3) years. Two (2) regular appointments shall be annually. The President may appoint a member to serve the unexpired term created by a vacancy upon the standing committee. The committee shall make its' recommendations as to the times and sites for the Annual meetings and Ceremonial Sessions to the representatives in regular Annual meeting session. The floor shall also be opened for motions as to meeting sites and times other than as recommended by the standing committee. Selections shall be made by majority vote of the representatives present and voting at the Annual Meeting.

(c) No Temple may be considered for any such meeting unless it supplies satisfactory evidence to the committee and / or the representatives of its' ability to accommodate the meeting.


Section 4. Upon the occurrence of a National emergency rendering, in the judgment of the President, if impractical to hold Annual Meetings or Ceremonial Sessions, the President shall give each affiliate Temple notice that such sessions will be omitted during the existence of the National emergency requiring such omission of Annual Meetings. The Officers shall then exercise all duties and powers ordinarily vested in the members of the Association by the calling of an emergency meeting and any action taken therein shall have the same force and effect as if regularly done by the membership of the Association. The Officers at such emergency meeting shall elect Officers of the Association by advancing each Vice-President to the next higher office, but the lowest Vice-President's position shall remain vacant until the next Regular Meeting of the Association.


Section 5. If the Imperial Potentate's consent may be obtained, pursuant to Sec. 335.17, there shall be formed a Ceremonial Session Corporation by the host Temple of Ceremonial Session. The officers of this corporation shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Potentate of the host Temple shall be the President of the Corporation and the President of the Central States Shrine Association shall be the Vice­President.


Section 6. At least ten (10) days prior to the first business session following a Ceremonial Session, the Ceremonial Session Corporation and its' officers shall furnish an Independent Certified Audit of such Ceremonial Session to the Secretary of this Association for presentation to the representatives at the Annual Session.


Section 7. The housing contract negotiated with the local hotels and motels by the Ceremonial Corporation must be made available to the member Temples at the time they make their housing arrangements. Copies of the hotel and motel contracts negotiated by the Corporation must be a part of the certified audit.


Section 8. All meetings provided for herein are subject to the written authorization of the Imperial Potentate for the dates and places thereof as provided in 209.1 of the Imperial By-Laws.




Section 1. *Fees Each member Temple shall pay an annual membership fee of * one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) on or before the Annual Meeting.

*(Amended 3/3/2000)


Section 2. Ceremonial Session and Business Session

(a) Any member Temple by its' invitation may hold a Ceremonial Session or Business Session of member Temples, except that the Association's Annual Session and Ceremonial Session shall be approved by the representatives as provided in Article IV, supra.

(b )(1) A registration fee of * twenty dollars $20.00) for each visiting Noble and for each member of such visiting Nobles' family, or other person in attendance as his guest, shall be charged at each Ceremonial Session; provided, however, that the host Temple shall be prohibited from receiving any room surcharge, compulsory entertainment package fee, or other hidden charges, rebates, or fees in addition to the registration fee.

*(Amended 3/6/2009)

(2) Any Temple found, by a majority vote of the Representatives of the Central States Shrine Association present and voting at a Business Session, to be in violation of this Section 2(b) shall be ineligible and denied the privilege of hosting and Session of the Central States Shrine Association until all such room surcharges, compulsory entertainment package fee or any other hidden charges or fees have been fully refunded in every instance to each Temple in the amount that has been lawfully charged. A penalty of ten percent (10%) per annum of the aforementioned prohibited charges shall be added to that money due each Temple demanding a refund of the overcharge; said interest to commence from the date of demand for such refund and to continue until the overcharge plus interest has been refunded to the Temple requesting the refund.

(c) At each Business Session there shall be charged a registration fee of * one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each duly elected representative, and a like fee for his lady and for each and every other person present and registered.

*( Amended 3/15/2002)

(d) The proceeds paid at any meeting shall be receipted to the Temple entertaining such Session, and a report thereof shall be furnished in compliance with Article V, Section 5 of the By-Laws.


Section 3. * * Ceremonial Session parades In Ceremonial Session parades, the lineup of the Temple Units shall be as follows:

1. First, the Units of the Temple of the President of the Central States Shrine Association.

2. Second, the Units of the Host Temple for the Ceremonial Session.

3. Third, the Units of the Temple which had the greatest increase, by percentage, in the number of its; Nobles during the immediately prior calendar year.

**(Amended 3/1994)

4. The Units of the remaining Temples shall follow in order, beginning with the Temple of the First Vice­President, that a Noble from each Temple shall serve as President of this Association as provided by Article ill, Section 2(b) of these By-Laws.

**(Amended 3/1996)




TEMPLE                     STATE                        YEAR  

Moolah                        Missouri                         2013  

Bedouin                       Oklahoma                      2014  

EI Jebel                        Colorado                       2015  

Scimitar                       Arkansas                        2016  

Tehama                        Nebraska                        2017  

Mirza                           Kansas                           2018  

Abu Bekr                      Iowa                              2019  

Abou Ben Adhem         Missouri                        2020  

Akdar                           Oklahoma                     2021  

Midian                         Kansas                           2022  

Moila                           Missouri                         2023  

Tangier                         Nebraska                       2024  

Arab                             Kansas                          2025  

Za-Ga~Zig                    Iowa                              2026  

Isis                                Kansas                          2027  

Kaaba                           Iowa                              2028  

Ararat                           Missouri                        2029  

India                             Oklahoma                     2030  

Al Kaly                         Colorado                       2031  

Sesostris                        Nebraska                       2032  

Abdallah                       Kansas                           2033  

Sesostris                        Nebraska                       2034  

Abdallah                       Kansas                          2035  

El Kahir                        Iowa                              2036  





Exceptions in the above rotation:


1. Host Temple is second (2nd) in lineup.

2. Temple with the largest percentage gain in membership for the current year is third (3rd) in lineup.




Section 1. Any member Temple may withdraw from this Association at any time by a vote of such Temple and written notice of such action shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Association.




Section 1. Time, Presentation and Publication. A proposed amendment to the By-Laws of this Association may be made part of the Business of this Association in the following manner:

(a) by a representative furnishing the proposed amendment to the Secretary of the Association in writing and in the form proposed at least ninety (90) days before the Annual Business Session at which it is to be submitted and the Secretary shall publish such proposal with the call of the Session.

(b) The committee on rules and bylaws may submit any proposed amendment for adoption at any time during the Business Session of this Association.


Section 2. Form of publication. Notice concerning a proposed amendment must be published in such form as to show the entire section, subsection or paragraph, as the case may be, as it will read if the proposed amendment is adopted, with any change in language underlined if new, or bracketed if deleted.


Section 3. Reference to Rules and By-Laws Committee. Every Proposed amendment shall be referred to the Rules and By-Laws Committee, which shall consider it and report thereon to the Association.


Section 4. Modification. A proposed amendment may be modified in any manner by the Association while it is under consideration, but such modification must be germane to the subject matter of the proposed amendment


Section 5. Adoption. A proposed amendment to these By-Laws may be adopted only upon the affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds of the representatives present and voting at that Business Session of the Central States Shrine Association.



Section 1. An Association of Units may form and hold membership in Central States Shrine Association provided it shall meet the following requirements:

(a) The Association of Units must be recognized as such by the Imperial Council A.A.O.N.M.S. and it shall abide by Imperial By-Laws and the By-Laws of the Central States Shrine Association.

(b) All Officers and Nobles shall be members in good standing of the Central States Shrine Association Member Temple.

(c) Within thirty (30) days of the Association of Unit's election of Officers, a list of same shall be mailed to the Secretary of Central States Shrine Association.

(d) The Association of Unit's Officers, and their appointed committees, shall coordinate all Ceremonial Session activities with the President of Central States Shrine Association and the Director General of the host Temple.

(e) If an Association of Units fails to comply with these By-Laws, it will be ineligible to sponsor or participate in any competition, parade or other activity at Ceremonial Sessions.

(f) Any Association of Units of the Central States Shrine Association may invite Units belonging to other Associations to participate in said Central States Association activities. All such participating Units will be required to pay all registration fees to such Association along with all registration fees due to the Central States host temple.




1.   Arab Patrol                         9.   Horse Patrol  

2.   CSSA Shrine Bands            10.   Keystone Kops  

            3.   Chanters                             11.   Legion of Honor  

4.   Clown                                 12.   Motor Corps  

5.   Director's Staff                   13.   Oriental Band  

6.   Drum & Bugle Corps         14.   Pipes & Drums  

7.   Flying Fez                           15.   Provost  

8.   Greeters      


Updated March 20th, 2014


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